To change the Android homepage:- Open NetAddictMobile with the ADMINISTRATOR session under My Apps
- Open the configuration menu (the 3 small vertical dots, at the top right of My Apps)
- Select the "Change Android Home" option
- Click on "choice of android homepage"
- Select the application to use (do not select NetAddictMobile if you want to return to basic home)
- Depending on the device, click on "ALWAYS" and / or press the "HomeKey" on the device
- Press the "Android Home" from NetAddictMobile
- press the "HomeKey" on the device
You are back to your usual home screen. Why define NetAddictMobile as Android Home Screen?This function is useful in 2 cases: - Users with "My Apps" (users can only access Apps that are explicitly allowed, all others are prohibited)
- when the user clicks the "Home" button on the device:
- with the standard home, the user sees the installed apps for a few seconds and may be tempted to launch them, although it automatically returns to My Apps
- with the NetAddict home, the user sees a blank page and returns immediatly back to My Apps.
- Accelerated display of My Apps when the user exits from an App.
- Enhanced Security for Android 7 and 8
- the "uninstall" button is grayed out with NetAddictMobile as Android home screen
How to make sure NetAddictMobile is still set as Android home screen?
It is possible to ask NetAddict to check that it is the home screen. If it is not, it will force the user to restore it. This option is available in: NetAddictMobile Device Settings, "Force blank Android homepage" option |