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Home > FAQ > How to allow the computer in time slots without exceeding a maximum daily duration (for Windows)

How to allow the computer in time slots without exceeding a maximum daily duration (for Windows)

In the following example, we will show how to prevent the computer at night, authorize certain hours of the day, not to exceed a daily schedule and adaptable depending on the day of the week.

We define a "site monitor" called COMPUTER.

The calendar is completely green, indicating that for the computer, all the time slots are allowed:

User time slots - NetAddictSoft

By moving the mouse, we allow computer usage (in green) and ban computer usage time slots (in red)

User time slots - NetAddictSoft

Note: We decide to leave some freedom Friday and Saturday night.

Access to Computer (session of the child, because this setting can be set for each computer account) is generally permitted during the day and not at night.

But we want to ensure that the child does not spend too much time each day. We will complete this setting by setting time limits for daily use of computer.

Maximum duration of computer use:

User time limitations - NetAddictSoft

In conclusion:

If we take the day on Tuesday, the child will have access to the computer between 7:30 and 20:30 but not more than 60 minutes in total day.