Forums > NetAddictSoft English forum > Blocking Taskmgr on PC
aujourd'hui, 00:00


I am very satisfied with net addict free and have been using it for years. However, the latest software update on our PC appears to completely block taskmgr.exe for ALL user accounts, regardless of the "Task Manager Disable" setting under the "Advanced setup for Windows" menu on the PC. This is a big problem, because there is no way for me to run task manager from any account on the pc. Not even my own administrator account.

In previous versions, net addict free would allow users to run task manager, and if task manager was used it to kill net addict free, net addict free would just restart the net addict free process. This was the perfect balance, because a user could A) kill hung processes, see system performance, etc... and B ) sometimes when I added time on the remote account, it would not take effect until the netaddictfree process restarted. So the user could kill it in taskmanager and auto restart without having to log completely out and back in again.

Now, on the PC I run NetAddictFree as administrator, log in with password, then select "Advanced setup for windows". The Advanced parameters dialogue box shows a "Task Manger Disable" option. When I select the user, this option appears unchecked, but when the user tries to run task manager it is blocked with the message "taskmgr.exe stopped by NetAddictSoft".

I tried checking it, and unchecking it. No matter what I do it appears that the "Task Manager Disable" option is ignored. This appears to be a bug. I think it started with the latest update I installed within the last week.


aujourd'hui, 00:00

OK, I think I found it. In the PC net addict free app under the "CATEGORIES for Websites or programs..." menu, i see that taskmgr.exe along with other items are restricted, so I'm able to grant access to task manager again. I'm curious, what is the reason to restrict task manager? When I test it by turning off the restriction, then use task manager to kill NetAddictFree, the NetAddictFree does a nice job of restarting itself, so there seems like no harm to granting access to taskmanager?

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