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Home > Benutzerhandbücher > Benutzerhandbücher für Android > Android Führungs Schützen elterliche Kontrolle Software

Protect software against uninstall

software protection status 

If parental control software is not protected, an information is displayed (red color) and explain how to protect it.
Display software protection status
Software cannot be uninstalled

Prevent uninstall, force stop and clear data

Goto NetAddictMobile Configuration Panel, Forbid uninstall, then click on Activate.

A message inform that software is now protected.
Software cannot be uninstalled

What append if a child disable protection?

When attempting software deprotection, a confirmation is requested and a message informs that only an administrator can connect after this operation.
If the account having unprotected software is not an Administrator account, the session is closed.
Information (red) states that only an administrator can connect.

Software has been unprotected
Only Admin can log in

Only Administrator user is allowed to open session (in case of protection disabled)

If the child tries to open session, a message reminds him that after deprotection, only an administrator is allowed.