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Download profiles model

Download profiles model prepared by NetAddictSoft

Open menu: Control Panel, Download pre-configured profiles.

List of your profiles to download: if you have created such profiles from remote administration, they appear automatically.

List of NetAddictSoft pre-configured profiles: clear the field "email" and click on "List".

Select the profiles to import: by default nonexistent profiles on the device are checked to be imported. Select the ones you need.

Import Profiles: Click on "Import". Import profiles may take time. All parameters for time limits, blocking applications and time slots are automatically downloaded.

All imported profiles are immediately available and have no password.
Imported profiles can be updated to meet your specific needs. The modification is made from the device or via the Remote Administration.
Pre-configured profiles allow you to discover the many NetAddictSoft opportunities and accelerate handling the software.

Some profiles can be defined as "non-updateable". This type of profile is typically used by companies or organizations wishing to manage a fleet of devices with a single configuration.

Make your own profiles model

Model profiles creation is available in Remote Administration: Manage your user accounts - Create user model

Group Profils Name: Profiles can be grouped according to their use. For example: MODEL FAMILY or MODELE_My_Company. A group can contain multiple profiles.

Username: This is the name of the account that will be created on the Android device after importing.

Setting Model Profiles: configuring a standard profile is the same as any user account in the "Manage your user accounts." The name of the group profile will appear as the "Computer"